Useful Tricks to Make A Smaller Bedroom Feel More Spacious
Many homes have some pretty tight feeling bedrooms, even in the master suite and there never appears to be enough space for everything. However, with some ingenious little tricks and tips, there’s several ways to create more space or at least, make the space feel bigger than it actually is. Whether you simply want to make some improvements to your bedroom, redesign the room to make it more spacious or sell your property, a spacious and well-proportioned master suite can go a long way to making your home feel that little bit extra special. Here’s some great ways to make your bedroom feel that little bit more roomier.
Full Height Wardrobes Make a Bedroom Look Stunning & So Much Bigger. Image credit: The Heritage Wardrobe Company
Use Every Inch of Height
The biggest gripe every home owner has is there’s never enough wardrobe space. British homes seldom have US-style walk-in closets so that job usually falls to the good old fashioned wardrobe. The problem is, wardrobes can feel bulky, impose on the floor space and fail to meet your storage needs. Instead of opting for the traditional set of a wardrobe and chest of drawers, try having a full height floor to celling fitted wardrobe installed that caters for all those needs. A full height wardrobe will not only add a dramatic appeal to the room, it will free up floor space and make the room feel much larger. Even better is the additional storage you’ll be surprised you have. The extra high cupboards will give you the option to store away seasonal clothes that you only wear during certain months of the year and free up more room in the main wardrobe for your everyday clothes. Smaller items that used to take up the dresser can also find a new home. Suddenly you have all this extra floor space you never imagined possible.
Tastefully Positioned Mirrors Add Depth of Field Along Main Sight Lines. Image credit: Penman Interiors
Create the Illusion of Depth
Mirrors if used correctly, can make a small room feel so much bigger. By placing a couple of mirrors either side of the bed or along sight lines, you’ll not only create the illusion of depth but bounce the existing light around the room which will naturally brighten and widen the space. Don’t go overboard as too many mirrors will look like a horrid eighties throwback interior. But one or two full height mirrors carefully placed will give great depth of field and means you have a great place to try on clothes and ditch the floor mirror, freeing up yet more space.
Vertical Lines Increase the Perception of Height & Create a Boutique Hotel Feel. Image credit: Comimovel
Influence Perception
The size of a space can be hugely influenced by the direction of the lines and flow of the interior. For example, horizontal lines will shrink the space and make it feel squeezed whilst vertical wide lines will make the ceiling feel higher and create the illusion of greater space. A feature wall behind the bed or along one of the narrower walls will help achieve this effect best. Try it with wallpapers or geometric patterns and see the startling difference.
A Large Nature Print Can Create the Illusion of Depth. Image credit: Liv Corday
Depth of Field
Another great way to add the illusion of space is to introduce patterns or imagery that depicts depth of field. With the right choice of wallpaper or oversize print, your eye can be drawn in and be convinced that the space behind in further away than it actually is.
A Clean Simple Colour Palette Will Increase Spacial Perception. Image credit: Decoist
Colour Palette
Too many colours, especially dark tones can make a space feel cramped and imposing. The general rule of thumb is less is more – the lighter the room, the bigger it feels. A pure white or ivory white scheme is very popular for creating a spacious feel, although it can feel colder in north or east facing bedrooms. This usually works better in warmer climates with bright sunshine. A pale warm white or cream is a good middle ground or even a light natural shade of green also works to add a calmness and serene feel to the space, which is another cognitive trick that creates the illusion of space.
Less Clutter Means More Room. Image credit: Elle Decor
Declutter the Space
It’s very easy to get carried away with accessorising our rooms to make it feel more personalised yet, too much clutter will eventually take over and make any room feel cramped. Try to identify clear areas of the room where you wish to put the essentials whether it’s the bed, your night stands, a seat, a dresser, a rug or an ornament or two. Once they’re in place and the room still feels like there’s ample space to move and breathe, add one or two personal touches but never go overboard. Too much clutter will make the room feel imposing and claustrophobic.
Tall Items Draw Attention Away from a Lack of Width. Image credit: Amanda Kendle